Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Learning how to scan the "right" way

I love my new Epson Perfection V700 Photo scanner. I am planning on scanning a bunch of old family photo negatives and prints. But when I do something I have to do it "right". It's a pain having a perfectionist mentality and sometimes causes me not to do it at all... but not this time.

I found an excellent website called "A few scanning tips." It took me a few days to read it, but I finally finished. The site covers the basics of scanning prints, negatives, and slides to produce great results! There are some topics (such as scanning for faxes) which I didn't feel was relevant to my needs, but as I read I found that even those topics helped me understand the scanning process better. The author does a good job of identifying the items that are essential to know and drills those topics into your head.

The author also has a book available of the same name. I have not purchased the book (yet), but the author claims that the book has more current information than the website. Some information on the website does seem a bit aged.

If you have a scanner, or are considering getting one, definitely bookmark this one!

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