Why zombie geese? Well to be honest... that just sounds too cool for words!!! It could be because I am psyched to see Residen Evil: Extinction this weekend.
But really it is because I went to one of my favorite locations to photograph on Sunday, Arlington National Cemetery, where I saw a huge flock of geese as I was leaving. There were hundreds of them spread out in groups through three sections of the cemetery. I pulled into a parking area so that I could snap some shots of them.

I visited the columbarium for the first time while at the cemetery. Almost all pictures that you see of Arlington National Cemetery focus on the uniform headstones lined up perfectly, but you rarely see pictures of the columbarium, so I wanted to share some photos of the lesser known areas of the cemetery.

With the recent anniversary of the 9-11 attacks, I visited the Pentagon memorial (another first for me). The memorial was done very nicely and several of the victems were laid to rest in front of it.

The full set of photos can be viewed at my Flickr page.
If you happen to have a picture of zombie geese, leave a comment!
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